Featured Press

Up and Away

Up and Away

Praise for ‘Up and Away’ from the New York Times

“Surprises  can be unpleasant  for people on the autism  spectrum, so the script (by  Drew Petersen) keeps them to a minimum,  explaining events in advance and making very  clear the rules of this particular game. Soothing  without being  soporific, it’s  an intimate experience  - this carefully assembled  multisensory experience is a stellar  example of how to connect with an underserved  audience by identifying obstacles to theatergoing  and removing them one by one.”

Elgin Park

Elgin Park

Praise for ‘Elgin Park’ from the New York Times

A meditation on magic and memory, it immerses young people in a 1950s mystery that - employs sleight of hand, audience participation and shifting chronology as it weaves a mesmerizing spell all its own.'“

Shadow Play

Shadow Play

Praise for ‘Shadow Play’ from the New York Times

“Drew  Petersen  has obvious  Peter Pan DNA. – ...blurs  the boundaries  between the imagined  and the real.”

The Cerulean Time Capsule

The Cerulean Time Capsule

Praise for ‘The Cerulean Time Capsule’ from DC Metro Theater Arts

“…a fast-paced, high energy “tour” of the gardens that left my children raving about the experience for hours after we were gone.”

The 7 1/2 Mysteries of Toulouse McLane

The 7 1/2 Mysteries of Toulouse McLane

Feature on “The 7 1/2 Mysteries of Toulouse McLane” from the New York Times

“Mr. Petersen mined an intriguing bit of lore from the Seventh Regiment…oozing with history.”

Meet Me at the Fountain

Meet Me at the Fountain

Feature on “Meet Me at the Fountain” from the New York Times

Please contact Drew for full press portfolio.