The Basement of Modern Art
I started writing a Young Adult book two and a half years ago…
Then I stopped only to get 60,000 word into another Young Adult novel (which is still in process). Last night I revisited the first book in question and thought, “Hell yeah, this was great fun to work on. I should keep going.”
I write a lot of things for young people. I think I am pretty swell at it. I certainly love it. Book writing is easily the most challenging personal artistic endeavor I have ever encountered. You are truly on a lifeboat on your own.
So I thought, why not post some of it on here to make myself accountable for my process.
So here is some of it…typos and imperfect grammar and all. I will post as many parts of it that I have over time because, lord knows when the publishers will get back to work, and why not. It is just sitting in my Google Drive otherwise.
This is, “The Basement of Modern Art.” Perhaps you can help me finish it.